Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Web Design

Following A Web Design Process

Following a detailed website design process can speed up your work and help your client understand your role in the project.

What is  Web Design Process ?

A Web development process is a documented outline of the steps needed to be taken from start to finish in order to complete a typical Web design project.Here is a standard process that was put together using examples from around the Web.


The planning stage is arguably the most important, because what’s decided and mapped here sets the stage for the entire project. This is also the stage that requires client interaction and the accompanying attention to detail.

                     1.Requirement Analysis
                     2.Project charter
                     3.Contracts that define roles, copyright and financial points
                     4.Gain access to servers and build folder structure
                     5.Determine required software and resources (photography, fonts, etc.)


The design stage typically involves moving the information outlined in the planning stage further into reality. The main deliverables are a documented site structure and, more importantly, a visual representation. Upon completion of the design phase, the website should more or less have taken shape, but for the absence of the content and special features.

                     1.Wire frame and design elements planning
                     2.Mock-ups based on requirements analysis
                     3.Review and approval cycle
                     4.Slice and code valid XHTML/CSS